Sunday, November 19, 2006


Azael at Hellbent puzzles with Dick Meyer about the Republicans who yell the loudest about big government often have no successful background in business:

"The iconic figures of this era were Newt Gingrich, Richard Armey and Tom Delay. They were zealous advocates of free markets, low taxes and the pursuit of wealth; they were hawks and often bellicose; they were brutal critics of big government.

Yet none of these guys had success in capitalism. None made any real money before coming to Congress. None of them spent a day in uniform. And they all spent the bulk of their adult careers getting paychecks from the big government they claimed to despise. Two resigned in disgrace.

Having these guys in charge of a radical conservative agenda was like, well, putting Mark Foley in charge of the Missing and Exploited Children Caucus. Indeed, Foley was elected in the Class of '94 and is not an inappropriate symbol of their regime."

Azael wonders:
"The jackanapes wagging their fingers with such sincere holiness over the religion of the free market and worshiping at the stinky feet of Milti seem to always be people who aren't exercising that muscle of capitalism. They seem to lounging back, soaking up the benefits of the taxes I pay and enjoying the fruits of the hard work that me and millions of other entrepreneurs produce. They just yelp the loudest and always seem to form the Greek chorus behind people like Gingrich, DeLay and Norquist."

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