Friday, September 22, 2006

Look at what Bush did.

We were hit by terrorists on 9/11 and had the sympathy and support of the world, but look what Bush did with it.

We were appreciated as the world's only superpower, but look what Bush did with it.

We were beginning to reduce the gap between the poor and rich, but look what Bush did with it.

We were able to keep lobbyists and corporations from setting up camp inside the White House, but look what Bush did with that.

We were protecting the environment and the national lands, but look what Bush did with it.

We were a country that supported science and education, but look what Bush did with them.

We were able to function peacefully with many religions and not let government interfer with individual civil rights, but look what Bush did with them.

We were able to act maturely and diplomatically on the world stage, but look what Bush did with it.

We were able to honor our many treaties and keep the peace with other nations, but look at what Bush did with it.

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