Sunday, January 29, 2012

Recent history...

As an 'historian', Newt should remember this...


and realize we may be momentarily distracted by snark and speeches, but people will recall his hypocrisy in the end....


Charles Perez said...

I'm not so sure people (read Republicans) will remember, ellroon. They have all but canonized Reagan who - at best - was a mediocre president and - most likely - was in the early stages of Alzheimer's in his second term.

ellroon said...

God, yes! You are right, Charles2. They worship a president who literally wasn't there... better for the inmates to run the asylum.

Reagan did all sorts of things that would make him totally unelectable to today's Republican rabble.

But the bloated ego that is Newt Gingrich, the smugness, the snark is so hard to take when you realize who he really is.

And then you realize what they accepted as truth has nothing to do with reality....