Friday, August 15, 2008

Just don't blog while biking....

In New York City, sales of electric bikes rose 50 percent this year, according to NYCeWheels and online, reports demand for electric bikes skyrocketed 6,000 percent in July.

Elsewhere, electric bikes are viewed as an attractive alternative to cars, especially when navigating narrow European roads are confronting increasing urban traffic. Nearly 90,000 electric bicycles were sold in the Netherlands. In Germany, 60,000 electric bikes were sold, according to area associations.

In terms of price, it often depends of the battery. sells an IZIP bike using a lead-acid battery for less than $1,000, For slightly more, you can buy a bike powered by a nickel-hydride battery. For more than $2,500 you can purchase an electric bicycle powered by the same lithium-ion batteries that are in your laptop computer.


Anonymous said...

It is too hard to find anyone who can write a clear statement that involves technology.

The only version available down here at the moment uses bloody lead-acid batteries and weigh 80 pounds. If you hit sand you are in for a haul unless you thought to bring a block and tackle with you.

ellroon said...

Helium tires maybe?

Rats. Why are we the last on the block to get the cool eco stuff? It's almost as if our oil companies are preventing us from developing the technology.... nah..

We'll just have to buy the Think car from Norway and the scooter from Germany ....

hipparchia said...

we have a smart car running around our town now! nyah nyah nyah!

ellroon said...

Ours too! Bright tomato red and as cute as a button. I wanted to pick it up and carry it home...