Saturday, August 11, 2007

Stu Bykovsky yearns for another 9/11

Stu Bykovsky obviously longs for the warm fuzzy patriotism that was activated on 9/11, the putting aside of partisanship, the rallying to support the president, the flying of flags, the world's sympathies. All these were wonderful except for one huge problem.

We would still have all these things if we had had our rightful president in office on that day, Al Gore. We would have gotten Osama. We would still have the support of the world community. We would still have a budget surplus.

We would not have invaded a sovereign nation that had nothing to do with 9/11 and literally wasted lives and broken our military. We would not have been lied to constantly. We would not have gutted the treasury. We would not have lost an American city to Katrina and then ignored the ruins left behind. We would not have lost habeas corpus, broken the wall between church and state, called the Geneva Conventions quaint, eagerly indulged in torture, broken treaties, insulted countries, scorned diplomacy. We would not have seen the mind boggling attempt to hijack the Department of Justice for partisan politics. We would not be spied upon and our privacy invaded. We would not have seen our Constitution pissed on by arrogant and ignorant Bushies.

We would have had a reason to be proud of our country.

When (not if) we have another terrorist attack we will not rally behind this president. He will be the one responsible for letting it happen. Have we seen the Homeland Security do anything but suggest we should be afraid? Have they tightened security at the ports? Have they given money to secure the borders and the coastlines? Have they educated us in what to look for, how to stay safe, how to protect our communities and ourselves? Have they attempted to reach out to the Islamic nations and tried to understand them and to explain ourselves?


We were told to buy duct tape and plastic wrap and then go shopping.

Fuck that. Stu Bykovsky will not see such a post-9/11 reaction again. Those days disappeared the minute we realized we had been hijacked into the neocon wet dream of Eternal War for Profit.

For someone who really puts it into perspective you must read res ipsa loquitur's response over at Rising Hegemon.

Update: Stu Bykovsky talks to Gibson at Fox News:

Update: And Athenae of First Draft has a reaction:
But it's John Gibson who says something even worse:

"I think it's going to take a lot of dead people to wake America up."

Because my first thought was, "Wake America up to what?" With 2008 fast approaching, these guys are just dying to go back to their glory years, back before Bush took all their dreams and all his political capital and all the possibilities that arise when you get the chance to be the asshole you've always wanted to be, and pissed it all away. They're desperate to hit re-set, to rewind and tape over the past six years, to re-start with the same legendary opportunity (at least they saw the national tragedy as such) to dramatically re-shape the country. They want those days back, and it's horrible, and it's sad, and it's like a fucking Springsteen song, sans irony and pumped up with lots of Left Behind metaphors.

Wake America up to what? Well, to the idea that Republicans deserved unchecked power. To the idea that Republicans were unquestionably to be trusted with national security. To the idea that their feckless halfwit prince would arise from his misspent youth and become a great leader, validating all the faith they had in him for which they had begun to feel so silly. To the chance to grab power back again, to the claim on public opinion, to the ownership of the military as political prop, to the unthinking and fearful trust that a nation put in them. Please, Jesus, just give us one more terrorism boom, and this time we won't let W waste it all.


JJ said...

Apart from the loss of life, which can't be measured in $$, what is also infuriating is, imagine all the security measures that could have been put into place with the -- what is it -- half a trillion!!! $ expenditure on the idiotic war in Iraq. All that money spent, and worse off than before in terms of safety. Arrrggghhh

ellroon said...

If Bush thought he'd wean American citizens from expecting help from the government, all he did was put in stark relief his incompetence and greed. We have seen what competent governments can deliver without heavily taxing their citizens nor 'babying' them to the grave. Bush has done nothing.

And as you say, jj, total indifference to the deaths he has caused, and the money so badly 'spent'.