Monday, August 13, 2007

No WONDER the fundamentalists hate education

And despise the hallowed campuses of higher learning:
The trend is known as the "Great Evacuation," and the statistics are startling to youth ministers.

Studies have shown at least 50 percent — and possibly as much as 85 percent — of kids involved in church groups will abandon their faith during their first year in college.

Gee. Teaching kids to think makes them leave religions that demand thoughtless obedience... how strange.

Just an aside... calling it the 'Great Evacuation' makes it sound as if the elders in the church took fright and had a massive ...ah... accident.


Anonymous said...

Thinking? You must have forgotten what the first year at college, without parental control, where people didn't recognize you on sight, was like.

Sex, drugs, and rock and roll. [Well, one of three isn't bad.]

ellroon said...

You're right, Bryan. I didn't stipulate what part of their bodies was doing the thinking though....

Steve Bates said...

"Accident"? Well, "evacuation" can have many meanings. I think some of these people have long since experienced an evacuation... between the ears.

Forgive my lack of acceptance of other views at the moment. Having waited until the book cost me 50 cents, I am finally reading What's the Matter with Kansas? and finding my tolerance for spurious claims of victimhood diminishing by the moment.

ellroon said...

Careful! I'm rereading Against All Enemies by Richard Clarke and am amazed at how he tried to warn us even back then... and how many names I now recognize because of the war, the news and courts ...

Talk about getting mad...

Anonymous said...

Fundamentalism always hates education, regardless of what it pushes to an extreme (Islam, Christianity, etc). Why would this surprise anyone?


ellroon said...

You are right, Tim. I keep on getting surprised by the hatred of education by fundamentalists, having grown up believing that educating yourself was the best thing you could do for yourself.

I've got to learn that some people just like to be stupid....