Friday, August 10, 2007

Convert or Die!

I believe this game being sent to our soldiers in Iraq will not really send the wrong message to those who we are attempting to subjugate: (via Hecate)

The United States Pentagon has endorsed sending a Christian supremacist religious warfare video game to United States troops in Iraq, a predominantly Muslim nation.

Osama Bin Laden himself could hardly hardly have hatched a better plot to incite widespread war between Christianity and Islam, and the Pentagon's endorsement of "Operation Straight Up" and that ministry's plan to bring the bigoted, hateful religious ideology inherent to Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins' "Left Behind" book series to American troops in the front lines casts into question the basic competence, not to mention the sanity, of every Pentagon official involved in the decision to endorse such mind boggling idiocy. Once again: "Left Behind: Eternal Forces", a game depicting fundamentalist Christians religious warfare will be distributed to US troops. Courtesy of the PENTAGON. Here's Max Blumenthal, for the Nation:

As an official arm of the Defense Department's America Supports You program, OSU plans to mail copies of the controversial apocalyptic video game, Left Behind: Eternal Forces to soldiers serving in Iraq. OSU is also scheduled to embark on a "Military Crusade in Iraq" in the near future.

"We feel the forces of heaven have encouraged us to perform multiple crusades that will sweep through this war torn region," OSU declares on its website about its planned trip to Iraq. "We'll hold the only religious crusade of its size in the dangerous land of Iraq."


Now, American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan will be able to unwind by playing out a sanitized version of what in reality may the most savage type of war humans wage.

So nice to see we really have a deft touch with diplomacy and tolerance for other religions ...


Steve Bates said...

Hmm... the game is set in a post-apocalyptic New York City. I guess you could say it's New York Post apocalyptic. Well, why not; we live in apocalyptic Washington Times.

I am certainly concerned about the consequences for U.S. relations with predominantly Muslim nations. If anything confirms my suspicions that the Bushists are confident they will never be out of power again, it's this merger of military power and religious extremism.

But as a committed religious non-Christian, I have to warn the whole lot of them that anyone who confronts me with a "convert or die" message places severe if not catastrophic strains on my heretofore dependable commitment to nonviolent means wherever possible. Four words, extremists: get outta my faith.

ellroon said...

I'm with you, Steve. I would consider myself a person of faith, but I believe NO ONE can dictate or control how to connect with God except the person involved.

I have a sister I love dearly who has indicated I will be Left Behind and truly believes it. I cannot accept that anyone's God would be so ugly and hateful.

Who wants to live a life of fear?