As do the Norwegians:ROME, April 6 (UPI) -- Italian environmentalists are drafting a plan to protect the country's biodiversity.
The World Wide Fund for Nature and the Environmental Protection Agency are working together on the plan, which will be used to protect Italian plants, animals and ecosystems.
The two groups will focus on key "eco-regions" -- the Alps and the Mediterranean -- ANSA reported. The Alps, one of the last surviving natural areas in central Europe, are home to 13,000 plants and 30,000 animals.
The WWF says the Mediterranean has 25,000 plants, 62 species of amphibians and 179 kinds of reptiles.
The WWF is coordinating Italy's efforts with groups from Germany, Austria and Switzerland to protect areas that cross international borders. ANSA said 20 different groups are targeting the Mediterranean region.
A recent report said over 45 percent of Italy's vertebrates, 40 percent of its plants and 30 percent of its natural environments are threatened.
Norway is building a Doomsday bunker that has every known crop seed in the world.

So... will we stop denying the coming catastrophe or continue trying to ignore it?
The {UN} report claims that global warming will lead to desertification, droughts and rising seas and that those living in the tropics will be the worst hit -- from sub-Saharan Africa to the Pacific islands. Billions could face water shortages, and ocean levels might rise for centuries to come. It could lead to a sharp drop in crop yields in Africa and bring heatwaves to Europe and North America. Europe's Alpine glaciers will disappear and much of the coral that comprises Australia's Great Barrier Reef will die from bleaching.
The scientific conclusions -- based on 29,000 sets of data -- also said that up to 30 percent of the Earth's species faced a higher risk of vanishing if global temperatures rise 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above the average in the 1980s and '90s. "The urgency of this report prepared by the world's top scientists should be matched by an equally urgent response from governments," said Hans Verolme, director of the global climate change program at the conservation organization WWF. "Doing nothing is not an option."
Yeah but will they let us IN (assuming we make it there and not starve on the way?)
The Mormons have their mountain fortress of documents and who know what else...I wonder IF that has more to do with Romney's Presidential candidacy than anything else! *smile*
End of Days - Yipes!
dude, you're a one man blogging machine.
i got more in 5 minutes here than i have scouring the nets all day.
now i go, to shoot myself in the face.
Karen, the Norway bunker is so cool. It's made for after the nuclear winter, for after all knowledge of it has passed. It's made to be seen for miles and is self-maintaining.
If Romney's family has been Mormon for three or more generations, there will clearly be bigamy in his ancestry. Which makes him an obvious choice for president... being related to most of America...
And I'm sure I'll run out of gas sometime, charley, but right now my indignation and fury at all things Bush keeps me going strong.
P.S. Charley, don't shoot yourself in the face, you wouldn't be able to take those cool pictures!
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