Sunday, April 08, 2007

The origins of Blackwater

Truthdig has the interview with Jeremy Scahill:
Scahill: Blackwater USA was founded by a man named Eric Prince. And Eric Prince is ... currently in his late 30s, but at the time of founding Blackwater in 1996 he was believed to be the wealthiest person that had ever enlisted in the U.S. Navy SEALs, which is widely considered to be the most elite force within the U.S. military. And Eric Prince came from a very conservative evangelical Christian family in the state of Michigan. His father was a pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps businessman who started a very successful auto parts manufacturing business called Prince Manufacturing. And what the company was best known for was inventing the now ubiquitous lighted sun visor. Any time you’re in your car and you pull down that visor and it lights up, that’s Eric Prince’s family that invented that. So this company was very successful throughout the 1980s and 1990s, and really, young Eric Prince watched as his father used his very successful business as a cash-generating machine to fund the rise of the Republican revolution in 1994 that brought Newt Gingrich and the Contract With America to power. To give the kick-start money to Gary Bauer to start his group, the Family Research Council. They were heavy funders of James Dobson and Focus on the Family. And so young Eric Prince grew up in this family that was very strict Calvinist in their religion and then real free-market-gospel followers. And so he saw this sort of model from his father, and that really has been the model that he has picked up and ran with as he’s built up his Blackwater empire.


Anonymous said...

i know a navy seal. more a friend of my brothers(an x-marine born again).

20 year veteran, ready to retire when georgie decided to start his most excellent adventure.

i felt sorry for him having to work for military pay while blackwater ops were making the big bucks. turns out he got in with blackwater, and it is huge pay. on the other hand he got to watch two of his crew go down. one died in his arms, the other had his legs blown off.

of course the disturbing thing is, this a force that is not being held to account, or accounted for.

ellroon said...

The radical Christian: the 'Onward Christian Soldier' angle is quite frightening. Theocracy at the point of a gun here in America?

And yes, the lack of accountability is even worse.