Monday, April 16, 2007

Oh, and by the way,

The French warned us 9 months before 9/11 about hijacking plots.

PARIS - Nine months before al-Qaida slammed airliners into the World Trade Center, French intelligence suspected the terror network was plotting a hijacking — possibly involving a U.S. airline — and warned the CIA, former French intelligence officials said Monday.

But the French warning hinted at a plot in Europe, not the United States, and there was no suggestion of suicide attacks or multiple planes. One former official said al-Qaida may have leaked misinformation to divert intelligence agencies from the bigger, deadlier plot to come on Sept. 11, 2001.

And since I have your attention, no, not everyone believed Iraq had WMDs. In fact only a few people did. Mostly our idiot press and about 33% of the country....

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