Sunday, April 15, 2007

Josh Marshall tells us what to watch for

While Abu Gonzales is stammering out his mangled excuses. Pay attention to the timeline on the phone call from Senator Domenici to U.S. Attorney David Iglesias:

Now, let's fast foward to just before the November election. Iglesias didn't show up on the firing list prepared in October 2006. Then Domenici makes his call sometime a couple weeks or so before the election. He doesn't get satisfaction from Iglesias. And then shortly after the election, Domenici puts in a call to Karl Rove. He tells Rove he wants Iglesias fired. And he asks Rove to take his message directly to the president. That lead to a telephone conversation between Domenici and the president himself, presumably arranged by Rove.

Do you think it's possible that Domenici didn't mention his call to Iglesias just before the election and Iglesias' alleged foot-dragging on indicting Democrats?

From the article we don't know the precise date of the Rove and Bush conversations. But we do know that Iglesias's name first shows up on the firing list on November 15th.

No one disputes that Domenici's call to Iglesias was at best inappropriate. But there's been a lack of direct evidence that Iglesias's refusal to bow to political pressure led directly to his firing. Now we have have that evidence. And it's not Kyle Sampson or even Alberto Gonzales who Domenici went to to get sign off for Iglesias's ouster. It was right to the president. And the available evidence now points strongly the conclusion that the final decision to fire David Iglesias came from the President of the United States.


Anonymous said...

hey, i didn't know that you were a girl.

not that there is anything wrong with that.

i really wish this was the issue that was going to take them down for good, but i've given up hope. one can only wish that we survive the next 2 years and the american people make a more reasonable decision in 08.

ellroon said...

Sorry. Had no intention of surprising anyone. Thought the girlness kinda oozed out of sentence structure and weirdness of humor...

If this is the thing that punches a hole in the slick facade of the White House, so be it. The neocon ugliness has to be exposed to sunlight, picked apart by crows, and bleached to get rid of the corruption.

Otherwise, like the Nixon/Reagan neocons who reformed themselves into humanoids and walked among us, we will get another attempted hijacking of our country and Constitution thirty to forty years from now.