Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I thought she was done and buried...

But Giuliani wants to dig her up again:
During a visit last week to St. Petersburg, FL, former mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) said he backed efforts in 2005 to intervene in the Terri Schiavo case and stop her doctors from removing life support:

He told reporters he supported government intervention to keep the severely brain-damaged Terri Schiavo alive after courts ordered her feeding tubes removed: “I thought it was appropriate to make every effort to give her a chance to stay alive.”

It was scientifically proved she was clinically dead. The only thing she was doing was keeping her care facility in the black. Most Americans reacted with disgust to the politicians using her as a political football and felt the medical decision should have been between the husband and her doctors. It rates as one of Bush's major blunders.... but then again, when has Bush ever NOT made a major blunder? It rates as one of Bush's super duper major blunders.

Why on earth would Giuliani want to reanimate this zombie?


Steve Bates said...

There are Schiavo-obsessive people out there who still Google anything to do with her and spew hostility in comments. I speak from unpleasant experience a few months ago, as I was whacked for reposting one of my few serious poems, which was called "For Terri". These nuts will be here to harass you in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...

ellroon said...

Thanks for warning me. I'll get my umbrella.

My confusion is over Giuliani. Why on earth would he want to reopen this? Is this a bone he throws to the Right-to-lifers because he's for abortion? The man is all over the map... intentionally I'm sure.

JJ said...

What is he thinking? Shiavo is where the GOP jumped the shark even for a lot of their own card-carrying members. It must be for the fundies.

ellroon said...

Gotta be, jj. They have him pegged clearly for abortion, this has to be his gesture to the fundies. (Don't forget his multiple marriages are a real negative too.)