Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) can't handle the truth

So he actually tweaks comments on his site to change the meaning completely. Sinfonian of Blast Off! has screenshots of some of the changed statements:
The truly heinous thing, though, is that whoever was monitoring Cantor's blog not only was moderating comments and deleting some (including mine, shown above; click image for a larger version), but they were editing some comments to read the opposite of what the commenter actually meant:
Following a link from Eschaton, I visited a Think Progress post about Eric Cantor's Partisan and ridiculous attack on Nancy Pelosi, where he asks his supporters to call House Democrats and let them know how angry they are about Pelosi.

I couldn't help posting a comment on Cantor's site:

Mr. Cantor, how's the "Stop Pelosi" thing going for you so far?

Don't listen to all these Liberals who are angry at you for not mentioning the Republican traitors. Stick to truthiness.

And one more thing, I tried calling the numbers above to let them know what I think but everyone on the other line speaks Arabic now. NANCY!!! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!
Problems [sic] is, comments are moderated on Cantor's site, which means that now the comment above has been changed to this:

Don’t listen to all these Liberals. Stick it to them.
Nice work, Mr. Cantor! Way to illustrate family values, ethics, truthfulness!

Update (edited header to include his title and state)

and Think Progress has this:
Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), the chief deputy minority whip in the House, has launched a partisan smear campaign against Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for visiting Syria. He writes in the National Review:

The Speaker and many of her Democratic allies have become so drunk with grandiose visions of deposing Bush that they break bread with terrorists and enemies of the United States. The Speaker’s words and actions carry consequences for U.S. policy, and they certainly did our allies no favors last week. Instead of standing united with the president and Congress against the Syrian menace, Mrs. Pelosi chose to needlessly divide us.

Nowhere in his 700-word diatribe does Cantor mention the fact that five Republicans “broke bread” with Assad last week: Reps. Frank Wolf, Joseph Pitts, Robert Aderholt, David Hobson, and Darrell Issa.

Meanwhile, on his blog, Cantor is conducting a campaign to “Stop Pelosi.” He writes that Congress has “remained silent on Pelosi’s misrepresentation of Israel’s position. They have remained silent on her assistance to Syrian propaganda efforts.”

Unsurprisingly, Cantor is falsifying the record. Here are the facts:

Pelosi Was Asked To Communicate A Message And She Did. Before she left for Syria, Olmert’s spokeswoman Miri Eisin said “Pelosi is conveying that Israel is willing to talk if they (Syria) would openly take steps to stop supporting terrorism.” And that’s what Pelosi did: “We conveyed to him Prime Minister Olmert’s overture for peace talks when Syria openly takes steps to stop supporting terrorism.”

Pelosi Communicated A Consistent Message. Republican Congressman David Hobson said Pelosi “did not engage in any bashing of Bush in any meeting I was in and she did not in any meeting I was in bash the policies as it relates to Syria.” Republican Congressman Joseph Pitts noted, “Ms. Pelosi contacted us while we were in Israel, and we told her the message we gave. The message she gave Syria was similar to the message we gave.”

Cantor encourages his readers to contact Congress: “It is time for House Democrats to hear from you about how unhappy you are with Speaker Pelosi’s trip to Damascus.” Actually, it’s time for Rep. Cantor to hear from you — go leave a message in his comments section or give his office a call and tell him to stop his partisan-motivated attacks against Pelosi.


Steve Bates said...

If a Pelosi staffer had done this on her site, you can bet they would have been fired by now.

I freely admit to occasionally "trexing" troll comments... re-creating them from whole cloth, usually in response to a second offense... but I not only warn in advance, but make it clear what I am doing right on the spot. A post that begins "I am a pitiful excuse for a troll..." is pretty clearly not original material. I also sometimes "disemvowel" a troll's post, simply removing all the vowels, again usually in response to a second offense. But I am not a member of Congress, and I do not falsely tweak comments to mean their exact opposite. That is dishonest in the way only a Republican congressman can be dishonest.

("Trexing" is a creation of TRex, these days of Firedoglake. For "Disemvoweling" we are indebted to Teresa of Making Light.)

ellroon said...

I read your delightful warning to trolls, you are much cleverer than I. I just hit the delete button.