Monday, April 09, 2007

Call them on every lie

Every single one. Because the Bush administration has lied us into a war, into death and destruction, into draining our treasury, into turning on our neighbors for being gay, the wrong religion, the wrong ethnicity.

Every single lie, even the small ones.

Paul Krugman:
Fox News, which is a partisan operation in all but name, plays a crucial role in the Little Lie strategy — which is why there is growing pressure on Democratic politicians not to do anything, like participating in Fox-hosted debates, that helps Fox impersonate a legitimate news organization.

But Fox has had plenty of help. Even Time’s Joe Klein, a media insider if anyone is, wrote of the Pelosi trip that “the media coverage of this on CNN and elsewhere has been abysmal.” For example, CNN ran a segment about Ms. Pelosi’s trip titled “Talking to Terrorists.”

The G.O.P.’s reversion to the Little Lie technique is a symptom of political weakness, of a party reduced to trivial smears because it has nothing else to offer. But the technique will remain effective — and the U.S. political scene will remain ugly — as long as many people in the news media keep playing along.


ellroon said...

The rafts that are aimed at the Bush/Rove compound in Paraguay?

And the gay priest?
You think he was murdered instead of being the first victim of 9/11?


Steve Bates said...

Fox has resorted, not once but several times lately, to the simple expedient of labeling Republ[ic]ans caught in bad acts as Democrats in the crawl or the caption. That should work; I mean, who really listens, anyway? As long as Fox continues to do things like that, no self-respecting Democrat should give Fox even a moment of their time.

ellroon said...

Well, if you put it that way, yes. He and all the rest of the 3000+ were murdered in cold blood. I thought you were refering specifically to him for a reason, rather than calling into question 9/11 itself.