Monday, April 09, 2007


PZ Myers of Pharyngula points out the obvious: it is not pro or anti-war, it shows the fight between evolutionists and creationists!:
Look at the beginning. It's all about how the Spartans are the products of intense selection; the weak are culled from birth through adulthood, resulting in a collection of perfect physical specimens … exactly like all evolutionists. Unlike the real world, where our modesty compels us to conceal our awesome physiques beneath our lab coats, in the movie the Spartan products of evolution proudly expose their muscular pectorals, washboard abs, and snugly cupped packages. The Spartan women are also fierce and beautiful, like all evolutionist women. If everyone only accepted evolution, they too could look so ruggedly handsome (←note clever 'framing', in which I appeal to layperson's machismo and vanity).
*ahem* /fans face ... now I really have to go watch this movie....

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ellroon said...

If the NSA and CIA etc were listening to cellphones and reading emails long before 9/11, I'm sure they have enough stuff to blackmail everybody and anybody in the world. That said, the mainstream media is owned by conservatives. The reporters are often at odds with the editorial staff.

I don't think it's unusual for the media to ignore the purge scandal for this long. It isn't sexy and it won't sell papers.

We owe a lot to Joshua Marshall of Talking Points Memo for bringing this scandal front and center. It will be the net and the blogs that will bring you the real news from now on out.

I have no idea if the paper media realizes they are being ignored and are losing money because they are spewing a party line nobody believes anymore.

Steve Bates said...

ellroon, I believe the "anonymous" above is someone who typically signs the same post Swan, and has been copy-pasting it all over the left blogosphere. Swan has a somewhat lefty blog, and is apparently on our side; he (she? from the Gravatar, I think "he") is not a troll, and I too was suckered into answering his post as if it were individually addressed. But I think it may be legitimate to call blogwhoring on him. In this case, he just forgot to blogwhore by inserting his identifying info. :)

ellroon said...

Thanks for the heads up. I've noticed his comment all over the place. I thought I'd reply even though his observations are rather hard to follow. Can't hurt to say I don't know.