Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Aww, c'mon, please?

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stolen from Sinfonian

Or as NTodd calls it: Happy Manufactured Hallmark Holiday.


Anonymous said...


That's about right.

ellroon said...

Aww, sorry Pez. Bad experience?

I have always resisted making a day totally special where the significant other has to perform to satisfaction. Loving gestures by both parties should happen all year around. It is fake and unrealistic otherwise.

I am confounded by the women who put huge expectations for Valentine's Day or their anniversary/birthday etc. on the shoulders of their significant other. They drop 'hints' all about but then are heartbroken if the poor sap forgets, or doesn't deliver at the expected level. Kinda like having a pop quiz throw at you....How about just telling the mate what you would like and helping to make it happen?

Unknown said...

I HATE Valentine's Day!

ellroon said...

Sorry, Terry! Luckily, I am indifferent to it. It is just one more silly holiday to distract elementary school kids and allow shiny new decorations in stores...