Monday, January 08, 2007

The reason we aren't being allowed to win in Iraq

Is because of (pick as many as your conspiracy needs):
1) reporters on the ground.
2) unenthusiastic American youths not enlisting in said glorious war.
3) unenthusiastic Americans who read news from 1).
4) the UN (where ARE their black helicopters, anyway?).
5) Europe.
6) the Iraqi people who obviously do not appreciate being liberated and given democracy.
7) the liberals/progressives/hippies who have magical flower powers to curse military efforts.
8 ) the world wide liberal media which is telling us bad news from Iraq. They should only show us how we are winning!
9) the UN European reporters who are embedded with unenthusiastic educated hippie American soldiers.
10) Education

Kenosha Kid has more.


Donnie McDaniel said...

#8 is sounding purty winger-licious!!

ellroon said...

Lol! My brain hurts when I try to think like them...