Friday, January 19, 2007

The plot thickens!

The terrorist squirrels have joined up with the possums!

A flaming possum has been blamed for starting a massive blaze near the Remarkables Skifield yesterday morning.

Department of Conservation fire investigator Brin Barron said the possum probably caught alight as it ran across a power line.

It fell to the ground, starting a fire that engulfed a kilometre-wide area of dry tussock-covered mountainside.

The fire, between the skifield road and the Rastus Burn Creek, was finally brought under control yesterday morning after burning for nearly 12 hours.

DOC was alerted to the fire at the Rastus Burn reserve, on Thursday.

Mr Barron said there have been some recent flare-ups, and one crew of firefighters and one helicopter were to remain at the scene overnight as a precaution.

At the height of the blaze, three helicopters were brought in to assist firefighters on the ground.


Rook said...

Darn it! You need trackbacks so I can link to you when I play off one of your posts.

ellroon said...

*sniff* You can see the danger of the marauding hordes of flaming possums too? Teamed up with the evil squirrels, what will these fuzzy terrorists think of next?!