Monday, January 08, 2007

Nobody says no to the boy king's Big Surge!

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Damn it! I said Nobody!.... that means you, Pelosi and Murtha!

(Pic hijacked from First Draft.)


karmic said...

I am gonna need a drink to watch the speech!

karmic said...

BTW here from Eschaton..mostly lurk there.

ellroon said...

This is where not being a drinker really hurts!

It is almost physically impossible for me to listen to him try to talk. His inappropriate fake heh-heh laughs, his mangled sentences, his inability to go deeply and knowlegeably into a subject, his embarrassing stupidity.

I end up shouting at the tv or throwing things....

I'm going to try this time, but I may just give up and wait until his speech is in print.