Saturday, January 06, 2007

Never having to admit you are wrong means you are always right.

Glenn Greenwald takes the always wrong rightwing apart:
"These right-wing bloggers operate at a level several beneath the National Enquirer, literally. They simply fabricate facts and recklessly and maliciously launch serious accusations against the media whenever doing so advances their political agenda.

They leap on any innuendo or gossip from the Internet swamps and tout it as fact whenever doing so bolsters their ideological view or can be enlisted to destroy the credibility of a journalist who reports unpleasant facts. They desperately seek out any basis for attacking media reports that cast doubt on their Leader and his policies. They repeat government and military claims as fact and then accuse the media of "lying" whenever their reporting contradicts Official Statements from Our Leaders."

Why do they always deny the obvious?
David Neiwert:
That's because it's obvious they are wrong about the war on Iraq, and have been for the past four years. And that's the last thing they'll ever admit."

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