Thursday, January 04, 2007

Juan Cole notes Spocko's fight

Juan Cole:
"Hate Radio and a Disney SLAPP

Daily Kos has the saga of one person's campaign against hate radio.

Spocko's problem, that he was posting audio files and has been threatened with a suit by Disney, is easily solved, it seems to me. He should just type up 600-word excerpts of each file and post them instead. The posting of audio clips might or might not be fair use. The posting of 600 words from a work is already defined as such by the courts.

The excerpts can also be included in letters to the advertisers. From the sound of it, 600 words a program would be damning enough."

YouTube would go out of business if this were true. I think Spocko got into trouble when he began talking to the advertisers. When you get between lawyers and money......

Update: Interrobang has the info too.

Update: Bouphonia as well.

Update: Thers.

Update: 1/5 Tom Legg.


Interrobang said...

Thank you very much for posting this link at Eschaton. I'll update my post to include it.

ellroon said...

And I will post yours.