"The Election Contest filed by Democrat Christine Jennings and her attorney Kendall Coffey creates complications that could blow the electronic voting world to pieces. In the simplest terms, the Jennings Florida 13th Congressional district case requires a review of the Kissell loss in North Carolina's 8th Congressional district. And that spells disaster for e-voting.
Why? Because both the Florida and North Carolina districts used iVotronics touch screen voting machines. These voting machines produced very similar levels of counting errors. The errors cost both Democrats thousands of votes. Ultimately, both Democratic candidates were denied a victory by less than 400 votes.
While Jennings makes a very strong case for a voided election and new vote in Florida, the case becomes virtually unassailable when reviewing results from North Carolina. At the same time, the North Carolina 8th results, reviewed in the context of the election contest analysis of Florida's 13th, makes it abundantly clear that the loser, Kissell, should have won in almost any scenario other than voting machine malfunction.
In both districts, the iVotronic touch screen voting machines produced undervote rates at or above 15%. What this means is that supposedly one in seven voters cast ballots but left out a choice for the most important election (an unmarked race on an otherwise marked ballot is called an undervote). The only culprit in both the Florida 13th and North Carolina 8th elections is voting machine malfunction. The facts supporting the case for losers winning don't allow for much debate in these Florida and North Carolina races. They're simple and a review leads to conclusions that devastate any trust in electronic voting."
Thanks for posting this; I would have missed it altogether if you hadn't.
I don't see that it follows that these two races spell doom for e-voting. If that were so... if evidence of consistent malfunction or fraud were enough to bring to a halt the use of DRE voting machines... it would have happened sometime in the past five to 10 years. Why should these most recent incidents provoke a different response?
There are at least two vested interests in the continued use of e-voting equipment: those of the manufacturers, and those of the Republican Party. It's not going to be easy to uproot a system that has managed to get itself written into federal law.
(Aside: it would be helpful if you used block quotes for extended quotations. Without block quotes, it's difficult to distinguish what you wrote from what the quoted source wrote. In the Blogger interface, select the entire quoted passage and click the button that looks like an opening double-quote.)
Thanks, was on my to-do list. I'm learning all this assbackwards....
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