(Ignore the Somalian oil connection! Ignore our warships mooning the Iranian coastline so you won't question the amazingly convenient ship explosion that will allow us to bomb Iran.)
This here war is good fer the country to keeps the terrists over there!

(because obviously they are so few in number and so stupid, they can't do more than one thing at a time.... )
I can hardly wait to go home from work tonight and NOT listen to his speech.
His voice is like fingernails on a blackboard to me now. Squared.
For the record... Bush's "Texas" accent is as fake as everything else about him. Educated people who were born here do not speak in the aw-shucks manner he affects. Our vowels may be softer and a bit more drawn out than those of people on the other two coasts, but I've lived in Texas all my life, and have heard every flavor of native Texas accent... and Bush's mannered speech is not like any of them. Why he chooses to sound like a hick is beyond me, but I swear we didn't do it to him.
A native Texan, huh? How come you don't raise cattle, chew tobacco, and save maidens in distress from snakes and all? Do you at least have a ten gallon hat? Gee Whiz!
Bush's accent is as blenderized as his brains. I think we all know that, just listening to Jeb, George senior, and Barbara talk....
I'm struggling with whether I have the strength to listen or not....
Grandma and Granddad (on my mother's side) raised cattle. Granddad chewed tobacco. I don't know about saving maidens in distress from snakes... I did once help Stella walk away from a stream in which we saw a sizable water moccasin, but the only action I took was to guide her steps because she was covering her eyes. As to the hat, once again, I rely on Granddad, who seldom appeared in public without his genuine Stetson... no, it wasn't a 10-gallon job, nor do I own one. Boots make my feet hurt like hell. I can't ride a horse. I was taught the basics of gun safety at about age 9, and I fired a shotgun at bottles and cans on fence posts a few times, before refusing to do so again. I guess I'm a poor excuse for a Texan. :)
I hope you didn't listen to the speech. I did, and even for Bush, it sounded as if he phoned it in. Oh, and by the way, the escalation had already begun before the speech... take that, you peace-lovin' Dems!
Yup, freedom was on the move before we could say no. More people will needlessly die because of this man.
You are obviously the best kind of Texan there is! Hat or not hat.
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