Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Because soon they will push too far....

Is what is going on in the news right now the frantic flailing of the old white male patriarchy, the last fevered dream of the privileged upper class before all power and riches are stripped away? The horrific treatment in the concentration camps at the border. The refusal to acknowledge the humanity of the immigrants. The continual self-justification by the police for the shooting of men of color because they are so afraid that if those scary black men ever got into power, they would do unto the white man what has been done to them?
Judges declaring it was just 'one rape,' or blaming the woman, or giving out a mild slap on the wrist because he was from a good family? The Trumps, Epsteins, the Brock Turners? Is this using a woman's biology against her to hold her down, subjugate her, and force her to return to the kitchen? Deny access to abortion, the right to choose, birth control, or child care. Deny access to healthcare, equal pay, voting rights, civil rights?
The horrible inequity of the tilted playing field of the economy, where millennials are unable to afford housing or cars, unable to escape the incapacitating student debt, while the rich become richer and more indifferent to the other 90 percent?
Is this a desire to crush hopes and efforts for a better future and try and jam everyone back into the 1950s, where white men ruled and everyone else knew their place?
Because the world has changed.
We won't go back.
They have the right to be afraid.

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