Friday, May 08, 2015

How can we miss you if you won't go away? ... Far away? And forget the way back.

Jeb Bush says he uses George W. as an adviser about the Middle East.  Because Georgie's grand adventure in Afghanistan/ Iraq turned out so well...



Steve Bates said...


Reminds me of this dog and this dog. Same general idea...

Steve Bates said...

(You'll need to choose "new window" for each of the links above.)

ellroon said...

Love your poems but gawd.. what year is this? Bush v Clinton.... Do you really think we could endure ANOTHER Bush?

Steve Bates said...

I'm not positive about it, ellroon, but I'm pretty sure if Jeb or Jenna or some such Bush became prez, I'd pack up and leave. None of the oaths I ever took of loyalty to America said anything about tolerating multiple Preznit Bushes!