Wednesday, June 26, 2013

One reason I haven't been posting...

It's hard to blog when you are in a canyon... or on a mesa.. or out in the back woods with no wifi...


Steve Bates said...

I went all those places (speaking generally, of course; not every single park) when I was young, and I'm glad I did it back then. Today I'd be afraid to step into some of those states, for fear that one of their public eavesdroppers would overhear my casual comment to my mate. People like me aren't exactly welcome in, say, Arizona.

Hope you're having a grand vacation, ellroon!

Marcellina said...

Cool. Welcome back to all this.

ellroon said...

Thanks, guys. Finally home, dusty and thirsty, but intact. We left Flagstaff in the early morning to try and get through the Mohave desert before it got too hot... still was 110 degrees before we dropped down into the valley. Even with the air conditioning on in the car full blast, the windows were hot to the touch....