Sunday, May 19, 2013

Tell the FDA to Reject More Aspartame in Milk!

Right now, in the midst of a major childhood obesity epidemic, the giant dairy lobby is trying to force the federal government to redefine “milk” to include artificial sweeteners such as aspartame in children’s school lunches without proper labels. So instead of chocolate or strawberry milk with sugar, high fructose corn syrup or some natural sweetener, Big Dairy now wants to replace that with aspartame in our children’s milk and pretend it’s a healthy choice for you and America’s children and keep this all a secret by not requiring proper labels! 
Aspartame has a long clouded history, with fraudulent science submitted during the original FDA approval process, links to mood alterations including anxiety, agitation, depression, headaches, insomnia, and memory, learning problems and seizures and brain tumors. And not surprising, the company that created by aspartame was bought by Monsanto in the 1985. In 1999, Monsanto admitted to using genetic engineering of bacteria to create aspartame, which is now used widely as an artificial sweetener in diet soft drinks, chewing gum and diet foods as a sugar substitute. 
Tell the FDA not to cave to Big Dairy - Keep improperly labeled Aspartame out of our milk!


Steve Bates said...

"Tell the FDA not to cave to Big Dairy - Keep improperly labeled Aspartame out of our milk!"

Done. Thanks. First they'll want to put aspartame in milk, then they'll want to be allowed to omit it from the label...

ellroon said...

And then they'll ask to call it organic and kosher....