Wednesday, February 01, 2012

We kinda figured that out, Mittens.

Romney: ‘I’m Not Concerned With The Very Poor’.

 Guess what? Mitt Romney Has No Idea That 50% of Americans Are Poor Or Low Income


It's so difficult to connect with the rabble when you live in the rarefied air of the .01 percent of the 1 percenters....


Steve Bates said...

And now Mittens has Trump's endorsement. Can't you just see the Dem commercials... Mitt, image copy-pasted from some other speech, hands in the classic "You're fired!" position, voiceover of that very phrase...

ellroon said...

Why does the way Trump screws up his lips to talk make me recoil? The wannabe New Jersey tough guy with the bizarre North Korean-style hairdo endorses Mitt the empty suit Romney who also sounds insincere and fake the moment he talks.... ohhhhh.... I see why they like each other...