Thursday, February 08, 2007

Which American officials were these? And how long did it take them to notice?

Think Progress:
U.S. military officials reported that a helicopter operated by a private security firm came down in Iraq last week, marking the sixth downing of a helicopter in three weeks. “American officials say the streak strongly suggests that insurgents have adapted their tactics and are now putting more effort into shooting down the aircraft.”

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Steve Bates said...

... sixth downing of a helicopter in three weeks. “American officials say the streak strongly suggests ..."

I suppose that's their "downing streak memo." (Sorry; I know... I have no respect for anything.)

Helicopters are and have always been, at best, a fragile, vulnerable weapon of war. I'm surprised it took this long for them to be effectively attacked.

ellroon said...

Downing streak memo... That's GOOD. Sad subject, but good pun.

It's the 'adapted their tactics' that makes me gnash my teeth. As if we are fighting a static, stupid enemy, not an educated, clever, and highly motivated one.

Actually we're fighting several different groups with a multitude of different reasons to be pissed off. Of COURSE they will adapt their effing tactics, you morons!