Friday, February 02, 2007

Does this explain all the drunks on the planes?

If humans took a daily supplement of melatonin from the age of 30 or 40 onwards then they too could delay the normal ageing process, the scientists suggest.

The researchers, therefore, recommended that people wanting to fight the ravages of time boost their levels of melatonin through eating more foods such as onions, bananas, rice and cherries - plus drinking red wine.

Red wine has long been associated with all kinds of health benefits.

Previous studies have suggested that a glass of red wine a day may protect the heart. Other research has also shown it can help reduce the risk of developing some cancers and may even help stave off gum disease.

Melatonin plays a key role in the body clock and has become widely used by frequent travellers to try to counteract jet leg.

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