Friday, February 09, 2007

Anyone want to win 25 million dollars?

And help save the planet?

Airline tycoon Richard Branson announced on Friday a US$25-million prize for the first person to come up with a way of scrubbing greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere in the battle to beat global warming.

Flanked by climate campaigners former U.S. Vice President Al Gore and British ex-diplomat Crispin Tickell, Branson said he hoped the prize would spur innovative and creative thought to save mankind from self-destruction.

"Man created the problem and therefore man should solve the problem," he told a news conference to reveal the Virgin Earth Challenge.

"Unless we can devise a way of removing CO2 (carbon dioxide) from the earth's atmosphere we will lose half of all species on earth, all the coral reefs, 100 million people will be displaced, farmlands will become deserts and rain forests wastelands."


Anonymous said...

Easy one, grow lots of cannabis, it will convert the CO2 to O2 and there ya go. It can also replace petroleum-based fuels and feed the planet. But I don't expect to win a prize for stating the obvious.

ellroon said...

It's too obvious, will cure many problems, and will help the earth. Bzzzzt sorry. Next?

Ian Jackson said...

instead of using trees to make houses and what not. Use brick or rock. The trees are what we need to keep the earth around. The planet will fix its self if we help grow more trees than we cut down. here is one sulution.

ellroon said...

And a good one at that.

Jared Diamond's book Collapse talked about the need for trees and what happens to a society when they've cut down all of them in their area. Lost of top soil, loss of wildlife, loss of watershed, loss of fuel and wood building resources. End of society.

We can't have enough trees.

Anonymous said...

To say and to do are two different things. A law must be made and enforced that upon the death of a person a new life must be planted by the family of the deseased. Whether it be that you plant the tree yourself or you call the city to plant one. Either one is mandatory.

ellroon said...

That would be wonderful but I have no idea if it could ever be enforced. But plant as many trees as you yourself can plant. We have 12 on our property and I hope to plant more.